Primary Prevention of Cervical Cancer: American Society of Clinical Oncology Resource-Stratified Guideline Summary.

Primary Prevention of Cervical Cancer: American Society of Clinical Oncology Resource-Stratified Guideline.

Evaluation of scaling-up of HPV self-collection offered by community health workers at home visits to increase screening among socially vulnerable under-screened women in Jujuy Province, Argentina.

HPV testing: a mixed-method approach to understand why women prefer self-collection in a middle-income country.

Cancer registration and Information systems in Latin America: the importance of implementing national cancer control policies and plans.

Social Determinants of Non-adherence to Tuberculosis Treatment in Buenos Aires, Argentina: Cross-sectional study with a hierarchical model.

Implementation of HPV-testing for Cervical Cancer Screening in Programmatic Contexts: the Jujuy Demonstration Project in Argentina.