Reduce the impact of receiving a positive HPV test result.
TITA is the first application for mobile devices that provides evidence-based information to:
TITA is the meeting point for a community of women to access information, experiences, and support.
Why Tita?
Previous studies conducted by our multidisciplinary team have shown that digital messages effectively improve cervical cancer prevention, thus advancing towards the elimination of the disease established by the World Health Organization.
TITA is another step in the use of information and communication technologies to increase adherence to follow up after an HPV-positive result.
The name TITA is a tribute to the iconic and beloved singer and actress Tita Merello, remembered for her voice in the tango Se dice de mí and for having participated in the first Argentine film ¡Tango! among many other works. In 1980, a Pap test found she had cancer. She was treated and cured. Tita understood that early detection saved her life and decided to spread its importance in the media. Her iconic voice and the phrase that became her trademark are still remembered today: “Woman, girl, did you get a Pap smear”.

In addition, Tita also means ‘aunt’ in Latin America and among Latinos in the US. It has a sense of addressing that aunt in the family who is wise, has a vast experience in life, and we can contact her when we have a problem or a question.

What do we offer?
The content of the App will be organized in three sections:
Information: it will provide evidence-based information about HPV and cervical cancer prevention specific to each step of the care process, explained in clear and accessible language.
Step-by-step agenda: it will send reminders for scheduled medical appointments and track the user’s progress in the care process. Additionally, at each milestone, she will receive information about her current stage of care.
Stories and testimonies: it will include stories about HPV and cervical cancer prevention and testimonies with the experience of HPV-positive women.
Information architecture and implementation strategy
Formative research was conducted on women’s preferences about content and formats. Participatory design sessions were carried out with users.
For the design of the implementation strategy, interviews were conducted with health professionals in charge of the screening. We inquired about the barriers and facilitators of the implementation.
Downloadable material
Software, multimedia content and usability testing
A multidisciplinary team produced written, graphic and visual content, guided by the format, writing style and tone preferences of the women surveyed in phase 1.
The content was reviewed by medical experts, the team of international collaborators and members of the Advisory Board.
The software was based on the information architecture developed in our previous study, with improvements and the addition of new functionalities.
At this stage, the application was tested to assess content comprehension, usability, and satisfaction with its navigation. Women and health professionals who will use it as a consultation tool were consulted.

Evaluation of Tita app in health centers in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires
The implementation of the Tita app as a tool for communication between women and health professionals during the consultation will be analyzed.
A pilot study will be conducted in health services in the municipality of Ituzaingó to evaluate the implementation, effectiveness, acceptability, and feasibility for future scaling-up.
Who are we doing TITA?
This study is led by researchers from the Center for the Study of State and Society (CEDES) and the National Scientific and Technical Research Council. The Argentine Society of Lower Genital Tract Pathology and Colposcopy (SAPTGIyC), the Argentine League for the Fight Against Cancer (LALCEC) and the Municipality of Ituzaingó has given full support to the project.
The development of the App is supported by the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health.
In addition, the project has a group of international collaborators and an Advisory Board with a broad experience in cervical cancer prevention.
International collaborators
Kasisomayajula “Vish” Viswanath
Professor, Department of Medical Oncology, Department of Social and Behavioral Science, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Maribel Almonte
Researcher, Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health – WHO
Armando Baena
Researcher, International Agency for Research on Cancer – WHO
Prajakta Adsul
Consultant of the WHO for Implementation of Cervical Cancer Screening Guidelines; Assistant Professor, Division of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Preventive Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center
Raúl Murillo
Director, Centro Javeriano de Oncología – Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, Faculty of Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
Advisory Board
Silvana Luciani
Director, Unit of Non-Communicable Diseases, Violence Prevention and Trauma, Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization – PAHO/WHO
Mauricio Maza
Regional Advisor for Cancer Prevention and Control, PAHO/WHO
María Alejandra Picconi
Oncogenic Virus Service, Epstein Barr Virus National Reference Laboratory – PAHO/WHO, Papillomavirus National and Regional Reference Laboratory, National Institute of Infectious Diseases – ANLIS “Dr. Malbrán Malbrán”
Laura Escalante Albertal
Coordinator of the prevention team of the Provincial Cancer Institute of the Ministry of Health of the Province of Buenos Aires
Alberto Santomé Osuna
President of the Argentine Society of Lower Genital Tract Pathology and Colposcopy – SAPTGIyC
Antonio Lorusso
Medical Director of the Argentine League for the Fight Against Cancer – LALCEC
Mónica Petracci
Coordinator of the Communication and Health Studies Group of the Gino Germani Institute, School of Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires
Florencia Salort
Physician and Professor, Gynecology Department, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires
Alberto Mobrici
Coordinator of the Integral Center for Sexual, Women ’s and Diversity Health, Secretary of Health, Municipality of Ituzaingó, Province of Buenos Aires.
The mobile application for the prevention of cervical cancer was declared of provincial interest by the Government of the Province of Buenos Aires through the Ministry of Production, Science and Technological Innovation.