We do research so that more
people have access to quality health services
People reached
Health professionals and decision-makers involved
Implemented Projects
Promoting change through research initiatives
Development and evaluation of a mobile application for HPV-tested women: Tita app
Effectiveness of an mHealth intervention to increase adherence to triage of HPV DNA positive women who have performed self-collection (the ATICA study): A hybrid type I cluster randomised effectiveness-implementation trial.
+Effectiveness of HPV self-collection offered by community health workers at home visits to increase screening uptake (EMA study): A cluster randomized trial.
+Programmatic human papillomavirus testing in cervical cancer prevention in the Jujuy Demonstration Project in Argentina: a population-based, before-and-after retrospective cohort study.
+The IARC Perspective on Cervical Cancer Screening.
+Women’s perspectives on cervical screening and treatment in developing countries: experiences with new technologies and service delivery strategies.
Determinants of participation of women in a cervical cancer screening trial in the state of Maharashtra, India.
The socio-economic impact of cervical cancer on patients and their families in Argentina, and its influence on radiotherapy compliance. Results from a cross-sectional study.
Women’s perspectives on cervical screening and treatment in developing countries: experiences with new technologies and service delivery strategies.
Determinants of participation of women in a cervical cancer screening trial in the state of Maharashtra, India.
The socio-economic impact of cervical cancer on patients and their families in Argentina, and its influence on radiotherapy compliance. Results from a cross-sectional study.
Latest news on projects, events and interventions that help transform our community
Working meeting with the Municipality of Ituzaingó to coordinate the implementation of the TITA app
December 5, 2024 Dr. Silvina Arrossi and her team held a working meeting with the Secretary of Health, the Director of the Center for Sexual, Women’s and Diversity Health, and the Director of the Care Center for Senior Citizens of the Municipality of Ituzaingó. During the meeting, Dr. Arrossi presented…
December 23, 2024
The Arrossi Lab team participated in the 36th. IPVC (International Papillomavirus Conference) in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom.
November 15 to 19, 2024 Dr. Silvina Arrossi was a guest speaker at the congress. Her presentation focused on the contributions of implementation science to the implementation of the HPV test in Argentina. Also, Dr. Melisa Paolino presented the results of research on the perspective of health professionals on the…
December 23, 2024
Development of an app for cervical cancer prevention: Tita_App
The project, led by the Dr. Silvina Arrossi (CEDES/CONICET) and her team, aims to develop a mobile application (app) to increase the population’s knowledge about Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical cancer, reduce the psychosocial impact of HPV testing and increase retention in the care process. HPV testing has become the…