Knowledge and perceptions regarding triage among human papillomavirus-tested women: A qualitative study of perspectives of low-income women in Argentina.
The Psycho-social impact of positive Human Papillomavirus testing in Jujuy, Argentina results from the Psycho-Estampa Study.
Multicentric study of cervical cancer screening with human papillomavirus testing and assessment of triage methods in Latin America: the ESTAMPA screening study protocol.
Adherence to triage among women with HPV-positive self-collection: a study in a middle-low income population in Argentina.
Coronavirus and psychosocial impact in Chile [Coronavirus and psychosocial impact in Chile].
Prevention of cervical cancer in Argentina, contributions from implementation science.
Changing the paradigm of cervical cancer prevention through introduction of HPV-testing: evaluation of the implementation process of the Jujuy demonstration project in Argentina.
Cervical Cancer in Jujuy: Description of Cases and Evaluation of Compliance with Oncologic Treatment.
I felt sick: women’s perceptions and understanding of a positive human papillomavirus test result in Jujuy, Argentina.
Achieving equity in cervical cancer screening in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs): Strengthening health systems using a systems thinking approach.
“I’m neither here, which would be bad, nor there, which would be good”: The information needs of HPV+ women. A qualitative study based on in-depth interviews and counseling sessions in Jujuy, Argentina.
Counseling Mobile App to Reduce the Psychosocial Impact of Human Papillomavirus Testing: Formative Research Using a User-Centered Design Approach in a Low-Middle-Income Setting in Argentina.
Acceptability, appropriateness and feasibility of the Latin American and Caribbean Code against Cancer: perceptions of decision-makers and health professionals in Argentina.
Ten Steps to Design a Counseling App to Reduce the Psychosocial Impact of Human Papillomavirus Testing on the Basis of a User-Centered Design Approach in a Low- and Middle-Income Setting.
Implementation and scaling-up of an effective mHealth intervention to increase adherence to triage of HPV-positive women (ATICA study): perceptions of health decision-makers and health-care providers.
Assessing the implementation fidelity of HPV self-collection offered by community health workers during home visits (the EMA strategy): a case study in a low-middle-resource setting in Argentina.
Quantification of impact of COVID-19 pandemic on cancer screening programmes – a case study from Argentina, Bangladesh, Colombia, Morocco, Sri Lanka, and Thailand.
Implementation of an mHealth intervention to increase adherence to triage among HPV-positive women with HPV-self-collection (ATICA study): post-implementation evaluation from the women’s perspective.
Elimination of cervical cancer in Latin America (Project ECHO-ELA): lessons from phase one of implementation.
You are always left with doubts”: information access among HPV-positive women in Greater Buenos Aires.
Factors associated with nonadherence to tuberculosis treatment: review of the literature.
Social determinants of the process of prevention, follow-up and treatment of cervical cancer.
The role of cytology laboratories in organized cervical cancer prevention programs.
The psychological and social costs of HPV testing in screening activities.