European guidelines for quality assurance in colorectal cancer screening and diagnosis: Overview and introduction to the full Supplement publication.
European Colorectal Cancer Screening Guidelines Working Group; L von Karsa, J Patnick, N Segnan, W Atkin, S Halloran, I Lansdorp-Vogelaar, N Malila, S Minozzi, S Moss, P Quirke, R J Steele, M Vieth, L Aabakken, L Altenhofen, R Ancelle-Park, N Antoljak, A Anttila, P Armaroli, S Arrossi, J Austoker, R Banzi, C Bellisario, J Blom, H Brenner, M Bretthauer, M Camargo Cancela, G Costamagna, J Cuzick, M Dai, J Daniel, E Dekker, N Delicata, S Ducarroz, H Erfkamp, J A Espinàs, J Faivre, L Faulds Wood, A Flugelman, S Frkovic-Grazio, B Geller, L Giordano, G Grazzini, J Green, C Hamashima, C Herrmann, P Hewitson, G Hoff, I Holten, R Jover, M F Kaminski, E J Kuipers, J Kurtinaitis, R Lambert, G Launoy, W Lee, R Leicester, M Leja, D Lieberman, T Lignini, E Lucas, E Lynge, S Mádai, J Marinho, J Maučec Zakotnik, G Minoli, C Monk, A Morais, R Muwonge, M Nadel, L Neamtiu, M Peris Tuser, M Pignone, C Pox, M Primic-Zakelj, J Psaila, L Rabeneck, D Ransohoff, M Rasmussen, J Regula, J Ren, G Rennert, J Rey, R H Riddell, M Risio, V Rodrigues, H Saito, C Sauvaget, A Scharpantgen, W Schmiegel, C Senore, M Siddiqi, D Sighoko, R Smith, S Smith, S Suchanek, E Suonio, W Tong, S Törnberg, E Van Cutsem, L Vignatelli, P Villain, L Voti, H Watanabe, J Watson, S Winawer, G Young, V Zaksas, M Zappa, R Valori .
Endoscopy, 45(1):51-9; 2013.
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