Adherencia al triaje en contexto de tamizaje con autotoma del test de virus del papiloma humano en la provincia de Jujuy.

Latin America and the Caribbean Code Against Cancer: Developing Evidence-Based Recommendations to Reduce the Risk of Cancer in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Factors associated with low adherence to cervical cancer follow-up retest among HPV+/ cytology negative women: a study in programmatic context in a low-income population in Argentina.

Mixed-methods approach to evaluate an mHealth intervention to increase adherence to triage of human papillomavirus-positive women who have performed self-collection (the ATICA study): study protocol for a hybrid type I cluster randomized effectiveness-implementation trial.

Extensión del ofrecimiento de la autotoma en Jujuy, Argentina: la perspectiva de los agentes sanitarios.

La perspectiva de los agentes sanitarios sobre la incorporación programática de la autotoma del test de VPH.

Primary Prevention of Cervical Cancer: American Society of Clinical Oncology Resource-Stratified Guideline Summary.